Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I'm just calling them letters...because I don't know that they are "love" letters

Dear Jerk that thinks he's my boss,

Look you are NOT my boss, and when I tell you that I've done your damn paper work you better look at it! I have a full time job...unlike you...and I don't have time to make copies of things that are already finished just to justify your salery.

P.S. You also need to turn off the copy counter, I was not the problem!

Dear ISS "I think I'm in charge" teacher,

You have a classroom, where you are supposed to be all day with the kids that are in trouble. Get over it and stay your ass in your room. Put down the stupid mega phone and shut the hell up. You don't even know how to speak correctly either! You are also not in charge of the announcments. Just get over yourself.

Dear crazy lady,

Don't ever make threats again like you are going to kill yourself....makes me hate you a little, and that makes me hate me a little.

Dear Officer Douchebag,

Just because your life sucks doesn't mean that you have to be so mean to me. I didn't even do anything wrong. You just have a crappy life and want to take everyone down with you. Stop it!

Dear co leaders,

It's your troop too! Do your damn job. I am not here to do it all for you, and then for you to get pissed of at me when I stop doing it all. I will not do everything for the troop anymore at all. You need to do it for a while. That's why we are CO LEADERS!

Dear mean "used to be my friend" teacher,

Yeah that's right I said used to be my friend. We were all the way up until you told on me to the boss for something I didn't do. Thanks for checking with me first before you called me out on something that didn't happen. Way to "work with the team."

don't really love you,



  1. this made me laugh a little b/c i can totally see you saying all of this to each person! hope it made you feel a little better. :-)
