Thursday, October 8, 2009

easy do nothing day = easy do nothing pizza night

I did nothing today! It was actually quit nice! I did spend a little bit of time in my scrapbook room where I made a frame for David's office. It turned out very nice I think. I tried to make these cake balls....was A LOT more work than it looked!! They are SO GOOD....but not worth the time. I'll give you the recipe though if you ever have the time and want to try it out. I will try it out day.

Cake Balls

1 box cake mix
1 can frosting
package melting chocolate

Make the cake as directed. When done take out of the oven and crumble into a large bowl while it is still warm. Then mix in the whole can of frosting and blend the two together well. Put into the fridge for at least 2 hours. Take out and use a melon baller to make the cake into balls. Melt the chocolate (following the directions) and then dip the balls into the chocolate. Let cool in fridge....then eat the greatness that is cake balls.

They are REALLY REALLY good....just very time consuming! Because it's a lot of cake and if you don't have a melon's a lot more work.


1 package refrigerated pizza dough
1 can mushrooms
shredded cheese
1 jar pizza sauce

Unroll the pizza dough and spread the sauce on top. Then place the peperoni and mushrooms on top and then the cheese. Cook as the directions say.

This is the cheapest easiest meal to make! And David loves it! I make it for him when ever I don't feel like really cooking.

The pizza dough is $1.50 (I buy walmart brand), the sauce is $1 a jar and you only use 1/2 a jar so you get two uses out of it...sometimes 3...the can of mushrooms is less than $.50 and I buy the large back of graded cheese (like 8 cups for $6 so I'm not sure the price of cheese per pizza). But I think the total to make the pizza is maybe $4! AMAZING!!

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