Oh how I love me some Pinterest! I mean who doesn't right? Well since I am a stay at home mommy now I thought I would try to get back into my blog and post the food I make and the goodies I make for my little one! This is only fun for me, because David hates when I try new things, he calls the food "experiments" and is never happy about them! haha But I still make them and he still eats it! So I keep going. Last Saturday I went to the Farmer's Market in McKinney, it was great! I got so many good things, right now all I want to do is eat peaches all day long because they were so good! I should have gone to buy more yesterday but I didn't...oh well I'll just have to wait until next week. Anyways I guess I sould get on with the chicken! I bought some asparagus at the market because I remembered this pin I had on Pinterest! Here is the link to the original recipe here. and here is what I did...I changed it a little and what we did was great!
Chicken Asparagus Roll-Up
4 boneless skinless chicken breast
20 asparagus spears
6 slices of provolone cheese
1/2 cup of mayo
1 1/2 tbs honey mustard
1 1/2 tbs spicy mustard
2 tbs lemon juice
1 tbs Italian seasoning
1 cup bread crumbs (we used the Italian bread crumbs)
**I have to tell you that the only thing I really measured was the mayo, the rest I just eyeballed and added to our tastes**
1. In a bowl mix the mayo, mustard, lemon juice and seasonings together.
2. Heat oven to 475 degress F
3. Cook the asparagus in the microwave for about 1 min.
4. Pound the chicken to make it flat so that it will be easy to stuff and roll.
5. Put a tbs of the mayo/mustard mix on the chicken then add a slice of provolone, 5 asparagus spears and another 1/2 slice of provolone (We like our cheese..you don't have to do the 1/2 slice), and roll the chicken tight cover with the mayo/mustard mix and then roll in your bread crumbs to cover the chicken and place in the pan. Repeat with the rest of the chicken.
6. Place in the oven for 25 min, and then enjoy!
And just so you know this "experiment" dinner was great and the hubby actually loved it!
I plan to tell you about my day and what I made for dinner. I know how hard it is to be creative and find new easy things to have for dinner. So I thought I would share what I'm doing in hopes that I help at least 1 person!
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