Thursday, January 22, 2009


You know the #1 thing that I hate about teaching has to be parents! I mean parents can be great, but they can also be an extreme annoyance. Especially if they thing their child can do no wrong and that you are just lie all the time.

So this is because of this one dang parent in my class...don't even get me started on the parent in the other 3rd grade class that tried to get me fired last week.....

So this one parent...of one of my kids right...she is just so dang annoying. Her son is a pretty average student. His grades and kinda low average grades. He could do a lot better, but he doesn't try hard enough.

Well the first problem I had with her was when her son wasn't doing all of his homework so he was making poor homework grades. So she called to complain to me, and I decided I would make a homework sheet that I would make copies of each week for the kids to keep up with and they could write down their homework for each day of the week on the paper I give them. All because of this boy and his annoying mom, and the fact that he is so scatter brained that he couldn't write down all his hw. Okay...well that worked for a little while, and then he started to not write down all of it. He was writing down a few of the things, but not all of the things. Why? I have no yeah that is an on going problem that I have with them....oh and she expects me to check his hw paper every day to make sure that he has written down everything. Like I have time for that!!

Onto the next problem I have with them....yeah I told the kids on like a mon we will have a science test on wed....and I told them again on tue we will have a science test tomorrow, and I gave them science hw that was EXACTLY the same as the test. So Wednesday came, and I decided to give them an open book/hw science test to make it easier on them. Of course he failed the test.....right you're asking how? Yeah I don't know either....but apparently he didn't tell his mom that he had a test in science on Wednesday. She saw the failing grade when he brought it home FOR A SECOND CHANCE TO RAISE HIS GRADE! That's right after they take tests I send them home to be signed and corrected with a parent and I will raise their grade to either passing or add 10 points if they already passed. This is when she called me all pissed that he failed a test that he had no idea he was going to have. So I told her oh yes he did know he had this test, and it was an open book and hw test....but no it wasn't good enough for her. It wasn't good enough for her either that he had the second chance to raise his grade...whatever!

So then a few weeks later she calls me again to complain about how low his science and social studies grades are. I explained to her why they were so low, and it only pissed her off. We pretty much got into it on the phone. She cont to tell me who wrong it was of me to not give them a better grade. FYI for SS we do 1 worksheet a week, it has mon, tue, wed, thur, and friday part on each ws. For each day you read a short paragraph and answer 2-4 questions about it. I did this worksheet with them for about 10 weeks everyday and slowly worked my way to them doing the worksheet alone. He doesn't read the paragraphs at all, and fails everyone...and you wonder why he is failing SS?

So just now I got a call from another teacher at school who just so happens to be this boys teacher from last year. She is now the asst. dean of students and deals with discipline. So today the boy was running out of my class after school and she got onto him for running, and then she said "I'll see you tomorrow" to him. Which of course meant that he had ISS. You see that too right? yeah! Well that's what he told his mother. So the mother called last years teacher to complain about the whole ISS bs, and then proceeded to complain to her about me!

The mom told her that the boy doesn't even have time to write the hw down b/c I write it down and then erase it too quickly!!! THAT IS SOOOO A LIE!!! Here is the best part of that I write down the hw, and I don't erase it until the NEXT day AFTER I have checked everyone's hw!!

The mom also told her that he isn't doing as good in the class as she would like, and that it's all my fault!

I want to punch this woman in the face!!! I feel like I should call her and be like wtf?!? But I don't want her to think that she can't confide in another teacher.

There have been too many things this week that have really had me questioning my job at my school, and I don't understand it. :( So frustrated!!!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I know you want to know these....

100 things all about me. I am totally taking this from Kim. But I really liked hers and thought I could stand to think about myself for a little bit and all the random things about me...Which by the way ended up taking me all day to do.....

1. I love 90210 (the classic of course) a little too much. It is the highlight of my Saturday to get to sit on the couch and watch 10 episoes of it! I get to laugh, cry and just have a grand ole' time....

2. Scrapbooking is my #1 favorite thing to do and I am pretty stressed out about the fact that I don't have time to do it anymore and that it is pileing up more and more with each event in my life. But no matter what I still love it!

3. I have 20 children that annoy the crap out of me everyday, but I coudln't imagine my life without them, and I extremely miss all of the kids that have passed through a classroom I was teaching. I can't imagine my life without many of others peoples children in it.

4. Yummm.....cake....

5. There are times when I feel like my husbands name really is baby, and that is what I believe is the name he was given. I always stumble in public when saying his name..haha

6. There are times when I take my phone out in public places just because I want people to notice that I have nice things and be jealous.

7. When I was little my grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was little and I made a very long purple scarf, now I couldn't make one stitch.

8. I can't spell to save my life. I am horrible at it....and I'm a teacher!

9. Speaking of teaching.....I think that 3rd grade is the best grade of all time! It was my favorite grade when I was a kid, and I can't imagine teaching another grade ever again.

10. I think I married a mexican because I love mexican food a bit more than life. I mean I love my husband...but I do love me some good mexican food too!

11. I can't clean the house unless I have either friends on or Ocean's 11, 12 or 13. Otherwise I have no motivation.

12. My wedding really changed a lot of things for me, and though some of them may have been hard to handle I think they were all very good things. I lost what I thought was a very good friend in the process, and a friend that I knew was a great friend became an even better friend. Plus I got a great husband in the whole thing.

13. I love all of my friends very much and I know I would not be where I am today without any of them. They each have been there for me in different parts of my life and made me the great lady I am today!

14. As bad as I want to see celebrities, when I see them I chicken out for talking to them. Yesterday I saw Dave Matthews at the children's museum and couldn't talk to him, though two of my co-workers had no problem saying hello.

15. When I was younger I always said I would never live outside of Texas, and look at me now! Plus I can't imagine not living here in Louisiana.

16. I am a serious soap snob and I can not use any other soap except for soap from Bath and Body Works.

17. I never imagined that being married could actually be this wonderful.

18. I can't wait to be a mom, but I sure can wait another 3-5 years.

19. I was really bummed that my honeymoon was going to be in Vegas, but it was the best vacation that I have ever been on. I think that everyone should have their honeymoon in Vegas!

20. Cooking is so much fun, but the cleaning part sucks and I just don't do that.

21. The crock pot is one of the best inventions ever.

22. Giraffes are my favorite animal and when I go to a place that has them and I don't get to see them it pretty much ruins my day.

23. I loved living in Lubbock so much that if David was offered a job there I wouldn't be able to get there fast enough. But I'm sure I would only enjoy it for about a year before I was done with the place.

24. I have always wanted to take a trip around the coutry in a RV and see all the random things that each state has to offer.

25. I collect flat pennies, you know the ones that you have to pay 50 cents and it will have some type of picture on it.

26. Almost all of my grandmother's siblings have died from cancer, my uncle died of cancer and my other grandmother had brest really freaks me out.

27. I believe that no home can have too many pictures out for people to see. I look at all my pictures all the time, and I have many frames waiting to be filled and put up for visitors to look at.

28. My husband is 28 and I have to remind him of that all the time, he can never remember how old he is.

29. Taking pictures is one of the many many things that I love to do. I think that is also why I love scrapbooking, ya know since it uses pictures :).

31. I believe that all women should be able to get a manicure and a pedicure at least twice a month. It is an amazing thing, and all women deserve to be pampered.

32. My first drink of alcohol was on my first birthday when my dad gave me his beer....but my first drink that I could remember was when my mom took my brother and I on vacation to Corpus while her boyfriend (who I really hated) moved out of our house. We went to a drive thru liquor shack, again my first one, and she bought me a 4 pack of wine coolers. I had one, and my brother got all pissed off that I was drinking and made me feel guilty so I didn't drink the rest of them. We poured them down the sink and lied to my mom about it.

33. The first time I was drunk that I can remember...was gradution night from hs. My mom let me have a party at our house, and I puked and told Candi not to tell my mom. So she ran and told her! haha I was so mad

34. My favorite time of day right now is when I am driving home from work and I can listen to Twilight on cd, but I am also at the end and I need to get the second book soon.

35. Yes I have ready all four books in the Twilight series, I am one of those girls.

36. It is still weird to me when my students say Mrs. Hernandez. Sometimes I question who they are talking to because my name is Ms. Hudgins. Then there are still kids that say Ms. Hudgins when they are talking to me and I have no idea who they are talking to because that isn't my's a weird feeling questioning your name all the time.

37. I love checking the mail and I love it even more when I get things in the mail from my friends that I am not expecting. Like the other day I got a save the date magnet and it was the highlight of my day. I love real mail.

38. It really really bothers me that my family is die hard UT fans, and that they have turned my little cousin David into a UT fan when his dad went to Tech. He doesn't even care about Tech or any of their teams. It really makes me angry.

39. I love Texas Tech football, but I think I have turned David (my husband) into an even bigger fan than me.

40. I think that orange is the most beautiful color there is. Green and Red are close seconds, but I just like them, I love orange. It is beautiful.

41. I actually love all things orange, anything orange flavored is great, well except tang. That stuff is just nasty.

42. My favorite flowers are gerber dasies. To me they look like a flower that is smiling, it has a big happy face.

43. I have one tattoo and would love to have a second one but I think I'm afraid of the pain.

44. Blood and guts is so interesting to me, it dosen't gross me out at all. In fact I only want to see more and more of it. I would love to see inside someone's body. But not the nose!

45. I had blonde hair in high school. I really miss my blonde hair. I love my brown hair. But I miss my blonde hair.

46. When I go to the mall the only food that I can eat is Chick fil a, I like other food at the mall, but it's like Chick fil a calls my name. Sometimes I go to the mall just so I can have chick fil a.

47. Any time that I buy a book I have to buy it in hard back. I love to read books and then put them on the book shelf for people to see what I have read. I love to talk about books that I have read with anyone. Sometimes it really makes me feel smart to talk about books instead of talking about what is on tv.

48. I played softball for 10 years and I really miss it.

49. Purses are amazing. I can't get enough of them. In my closet I have probably 50 of all different colors and I still know I don't have enough. I also don't have every color that I need. You can never have enough purses.

50. Since I was 13 the only car that I would dream about having was a mustang. Once I paid off my truck it was time to sell and of course the only thing I was going to get was a mustang. I bought the first one I saw, and I still love it to this day. I miss it often. I know that if I ever get to a time in my life where I can afford two cars, my second car will be a mustang.

51. Why is it that everyone wants to live in NYC? I want to live in NYC too, don't get me's an amazing's far away from home....but I would move there if David had a job offer there we would move there too. :)

52. to look at it, love to be around it, just pretty much love all things snow.

53. The beach...hate it. Can't walk in the sand, don't like to walk in the sand, and it gets everywhere. In everything, and comes home with you and stays for too long.

54. I love college football and I love watching it.

55. The fall is an amazing season. I love the colors, I love the weather, and I love the holidays that are in the fall.

56. I believe that my birthday will always be a week long occasion. It is a requirment for all birthdays to be a week long celebration. I mean it's your birthday! You must celebrate for as long as possible.

57. I have only been on one real date in my whole life. Where the boy picks you up, you go to dinner, maybe go do something else like a movie or putt put, and then he takes you home. I have only had one of those. We went to dinner and the IMAX.

58. I used to be a smoker. Now I only smoke when I drink and am with David or Deb. They are bad influences!!

59. Ham is the only lunch meat that I will eat alone. I do not like turkey, but I can eat it if ham is next to it.

60. I don't wear make up. Not even a little bit of it. I might wear it sometimes for something special. I have a ton of make up, but I just don't wear it at all. I pretty much have no reason either for not wearing it. I just don't.

61. I have two really big LL Bean bags with my name them and I want more. Many more. I want one that says Mrs. Hernandez. I just love them.

62. David and I own a time share in Las Vegas. We are those people that can't say no to a salesperson....

63. I love Taco Bueno and Louisian doesn't have's quite depressing.

64. All my life I have loved to play video games, but have never been good at it. Which means that no one, when I was a kid, ever wanted to play with me. So I stopped wanting to play....David has changed that. I love to play video games with David. We sit for hours and play, and it is always so much fun.

65. In junior high my friends called me smiley.

66. I was a girl scout 20 years ago and sold cookies. I am a girl scout again and I can't wait for my girls to sell cookies this year. It's in about 2 weeks and I'm sure it will not be all I've made it out to be, but I am still excited.

67. I think the names I have picked out for my future children are perfect. I want to share them with other people, but I am too afraid to do that because I did that once before and that person stole my name.

68. I didn't vote for this election and I feel pretty un-american about it. I am pretty upset at myself for not being more pro active about it so that I could have voted here in Louisiana.

69. I love my job...teaching...I love my kids....I really enjoy the other teachers I work with. My administration is horrible. They are all Turkish and really don't respect women equally very well at all. I kinda made a stupid mistake the other day at work, and a student lied about what I said and the principal believed the student over me. Yeah as much as I love my job, I hate my job.

70. I pretty much only bought my car because it was orange.

71. I really enjoy buying new phones. But I have the best phone (in my oppinion), so I am obbsessed with getting David a new phone all the time. He has two phones, and I talk about him getting new phones at least once a week.

72. I love dr. pepper, but I can only drink it with food or in a cup with ice. And I hate when you are at a place that doesn't have dp, and they have mr. pibb and offer it instead. It is not the same. It really makes me mad when they have neither and say well we have Root Beer, as if that is even close to dr. pepper! Root Beer is, in my oppion, the worst drink there is.

73. I also love sweet tea and I have no idea why all reasturants don't have both regular tea and sweet tea.

74. Christmas decorations is something I look foward to for the whole year. I love everything there is about Christmas time. Real trees, stockings, Santa, wreaths, all of it. I love giving gifts to people. I would just happy with that, just giving and not getting. Though getting presents is great.

75. When I was little we used to eat dinner with my grandparents every Wednesday night. That was my favorite night of the week, and is something that I want to do with my dad when David and I have kids.

76. When we would have dinner with my grandparents sometimes my grandmom would cook dinner at their house and we always used place mates. Mine was a wizard of oz place mate. When David and I were living in Wichita Falls we went to an estate sale where I found 2 of them and bought them.

77. My favorite movie as a kid was the Wizard of Oz.

78. I am in the middle of a law suit with a stupid guy that is trying to steal money from my insurance company for a wreck I was in a month after I moved to Dallas from Lubbock.

79. I love me some sesame seed chicken and no one here makes it! It is quite depressing when I want to order chineese food.

80. I think my wedding was the best wedding ever, and if I could relive any day of my whole life I would relive that day a million times, even with the mama drama.

81. If I had the money and could do anything I wanted I would open up an classic soda shop. I think that would be so much fun.

82. The best salad is at The Cheesecake Factory. Most people go there just for the cheesecake, I go there for the salad....well and the cheesecake, but mostly the salad.

83. My husband calls me Noni. To him that is my name. Not's Noni...and I love that name.

84. My brother and I have no makes me very sad.

85. I love all that is Harry Potter. I have read all of the books twice. Some I have read three times. And right before each movie I have to re read that book. One time I cut it so close that I was reading the book the second time in line whiel I was waiting for the movie.

86. I love breakfast food and could eat it at any time of the day. I think that sausage is the best part of breakfast food.

87. Sonic drinks are the best.

88. The first Mavs game I ever went to I sat front row on the floor. Now I think that is the only way to go to a Mavs game. I'm a basketball seat snob.

89. I think I make a mean hamburger, and I pretty much dream to enter a contest for the best hamburger. I know I could win.

90. When I was a kid the whole summer I would spend at my grandparents house with my cousins in the pool. Those are some of my favorite childhood memories. I think it is the reason that I am so close with my cousins. I can't imagine my life without them.

91. I have 20 cousins.

92. I love when songs bring back memories. I have only a handful of songs that bring back some strong great memories. One is with Jessica. It was at the end of 9th grade and we had a half day because of exams. I went over to her house after school to watch her pack and this song came on the radio that she knew all the words to and I had never heard before. Now I love that song...."I love you always forever, near or far, closer together...."

93. When David and I go to fast food places I always have to order, no matter which seat I am in, because I am so picky and David always messes up my order.

94. I don't think I've been in David's car in at least the past 6 months, probably more than that.

95. David and I have random game nights where we sit down and play some type of board game. It is so much fun, and we act just like kids.

96. The first time that I ever had a cigarette was when I went to Germany right after highschool. It was my first night there and I went to dinner with Jessica and her friends. Jessicae kept telling me not to do it, but her friend Lindsey kept saying "do it" and giving me a cigarette.

97. My favorite Disney movie is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and I can name all seven dwarfs. Doc, Dopey, Sneezy, Sleepy, Happy, Grumpy, and Bashful.

98. I love having fake nails. I had fake nails all during high school and most of college. But they are just too much upkeep and I usually don't have the time or money to keep them nice. But when I do have them I love them, and I always have a french manicure. Though in high school I did love the neon colors during the summer.

99. I graduated from high school in 1999, which wil be 10 years this summer. I am quite excited about the 10 year reunion this summer, and I think I am the only one of my friends really excited.

100. I have lived in 7 apartments, 9 houses, and 1 dorm in my life. I have lived in 6 different cities and 2 different states.